Back from showing off the Electronic Cloud Chamber at Maker Faire NYC – things went very well!
I managed to score three “Editor’s Choice” blue ribbons for the exhibit!
People really liked that the project is both “open source” (how to build your own for about $100) as well as having a commercial version.
But – dozens of people asked if there was a kit (I suspect I could have sold a few…). OK – maybe there will be a kit in the future…
Many people had no idea what a cloud chamber was – and were somewhat shocked when they were told they were seeing traces from radioactivity. This was followed up by assuring them “it’s totally safe…”
The event was held at the New York Hall of Science – and I got to meet a lot of the people who make this place happen.
I was really excited when I was requested to donate one of the chambers for use at NYSCI in workshops by its educators! (I of course said yes)

NYSCI Educators Playing with the Cloud Chamber
NYSCI actually has a very large (and expensive) cloud chamber already used for viewing cosmic rays – but my smaller one provides the ability easily view traces from different samples.
Special thanks to my lovely assistant Beth for her help with everything and talking me into exhibiting in the first place.
I came, I saw, I fell in love. I want one. If you sold it in kit form I would be the first person to sign up for it.
The video of the cloud chamber was really interesting. Just unsure about it's usefulness.