Short Version: Manic Marble 4 is back in the Apple App Store. Totally free.
In the late 2000’s – I released Manic Marble into the Apple (iPhone) App Store.
It was a bit of a “retro-game” even at the time – taking inspiration from the … (read more)
Short Version: Manic Marble 4 is back in the Apple App Store. Totally free.
In the late 2000’s – I released Manic Marble into the Apple (iPhone) App Store.
It was a bit of a “retro-game” even at the time – taking inspiration from the … (read more)
UPDATE: BlinkyBird has inexplicably been updated to work with Glass XE22 (11/17/2014)!
I’ve been intending to write some kind of Google Glass app for the last several months – but was having trouble getting inspired.
Then it hit me – how about a Flappy Bird … (read more)
Apple finally approved my new app (for iPad and iPhone), Fix the Fresco:
It took them 11 days to approve it – reducing the prospects of building any inertia with the news story fading…
Can you fix the damaged Fresco?
In Borja, Spain … (read more)
After much delay – Manic Marble 4 is out for iPad and iPhone now – click here to get it!
This release uses an all-new 3D engine (Oolong) – and has tons of new features:
10 New Levels
Translated to 10 languages
“Universal” app … (read more)
Recently did an interview for BBC’s Outriders radio show / podcast:
Topics include cloud chambers, my Resistor Photo ID iPhone app and tinkering in general.
Jamillah Knowles did a great job putting this together! I came out sounding far more coherent than I … (read more)
(Note: Due to changes in iOS – this app is no longer available… sorry!)
I shipped a new iPhone app a few weeks ago – “Resistor Photo ID”
It uses your iPhone’s camera to help identify resistor values.
I’ve been playing with Autodesk’s 123D “Catch”
It’s a free app that transforms sequences of still images into a 3d model of an object.
Here’s a sample video I did:
It does the processing “in the cloud” – in conjunction with a client-side application.… (read more)
I haven’t been able to shoot a decent demo video for Manic Marble 3 due to not actually having an iPad of my own (not enough spare cash).
I developed the entire game using XCode’s iPad simulator. It’s fine for testing – but performance isn’t … (read more)